I just finished finished reading this wonderful book. When I saw it in my book club catalogue, it caught my eye because of the powerful effect that the film Hotel Rwanda had on me. After finishing Left To Tell, I watched Hotel Rwanda a second time. I thought that the film packed an emotional punch the first time I saw it, but I was not prepared for the feelings I experienced when I viewed it again. Left to Tell is Immaculee Ilibagiza's personal story of survival during the genocide of over 1 million Tutsi by the Hutu Interahamwe in 1994. Over 1 million people ... slaughtered in roughly 3 months.
It left me asking myself a simple question: "Why?" After the Holocaust of World War II, the world promised, "Never Again."
But it did happen again after the World War II Holocaust - and not only in Rwanda ...
In 1988, in Halabja, Iraq - on Bloody Friday when Saddam Hussein murdered innocent Kurds ...
And again in 1995, in Bosnia - when Slobodan Milosevic ordered an ethnic cleansing in Srebrenica ...
And again in 2004, in Qamisho - when the Syrian government ordered the massacre of Kurds ...
And present day, in the Sudan, in Darfur - the Janjaweed killers are murdering and raping under the protection and blessing of Omar Hasan Ahmad Al-Bashir.
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor said, "We have a moral obligation to intervene where evil is in control."
When will the world keep its promise?
Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like a powerful book!
not only did it happen again. it happened almost immediately. how many millions of jews and others did stalin kill?
Thank you for visiting my blog, "Lawrence". It is very true about Stalin. My family is Polish and we know the truth about him. He had free rein in Eastern Europe with the blessings of the US and UK. Why: because Stalin had boots on the ground fighting the Nazis. So, the US and UK granted "concessions" to him.
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