I spoke with our Facility Chaplain Director today. She told me that she received approval to proceed with my contract to be our Muslim chaplain.
Now it should just be a matter of formalizing the contract, Insha Allah!
I am so excited. It is beyond my wildest dreams to receive this opportunity from Allah (swt).
Keep saying dua for me!
Shalom alekhem, Sister.
Just a friendly greeting from another Jewish Muslim. Hey, we should start a Jews for Muhammad just like the Jews for Jesus! j/k
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother!
Jazaka allahu Khayr for the friendly greeting! I have found very few Jewish reverts to Islam. I am sure there are some out there, but I haven't found but one or two. I'm glad I found you!
Assalaamu alaikum! First of all, congratulations on being a muslim chaplain. That's quite an accomplishment....masha Allah!
And funny enough...before I converted to islam, I tried to convert to judaism first....LOL! (they didn't want me)
Greetings from an Atheist who converted/reverted to Islam. :)
Found your blog just today.
Mabrook!! Finally some good news today! Masha'Allah!!
I know a few Muslim Jews, one called himself a Jewfi. There is a few prominent ones, like Robert Frager.
Salaam and Shalom Dear Sister:
Alhamdulillah! What a great opportunity for you :) You are in my prayers, and I know you will make a wonderful Chaplain :)
I am the son of Holocaust survivors who became a darvish of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order, and I know many Jews who did also, at least in our Order :)
I am adding you to the Darvish blogroll.
Ya Haqq!
Alhamdulillah! What interesting comments!
I'll check out your blog Brother Irving. Thanks for adding me to the blogroll.
Salaam Alaikum,
Firstly Masha Allah for your wonderful news. Alhamdulilah, such a wonderful, wonderful thing Allah swt has enabled you to do.
Secondly, salaams and a wave to all the lovely people how have commented here, it's lovely how much of a little community the Muslim blogsphere feels sometimes. Alhamdulilah.
Salaams Sister Safiyyah
Ma sha Allah. This is good news indeed. I am a recently trained Muslim chaplain (and I will soon start in a local UK university).
I've been collecting useful chaplaincy links over at my website. Stop by and check them out.
Abdur Rahman
Salaams Abdur Rahman:
I will check it out, Insha Allah. Thanks so much for the information.
I recently wrote an article for Al-Jummuah Magazine about Muslim chaplaincy. It hasn't been published yet :(
Muslims need to know what Muslim chaplains do, and how we are different imams.
correction: how we are DIFFERENT from imams
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