Sis Noona: Below is the original photo. I love what the software did with the kafeeyahs!
If anyone wants to join in on this fun, you don't need fancy software. You don't even have to download anything to your computer. Everything can be done at the site. Go to http://www.dumpr.net/.
The first screen is "select an effect to begin"
Choose "amazing circles"
Then the screens will move you through the process. It is VERY easy. I put the photograph into "amazing cirles" and got Gaza Screams! on the first try! You can try a variety of photographs that you have on your computer. Apparently, it does great things with faces. Also, having good colors and strong contrast in your original photo is also helpful.
You can save the result to your computer.
That's all there is to it.
Try it and post yours to your blogs, create a link back here or otherwise let us know, so we can all celebrate the creative fun!
Of course, if you want to work your result with some other PhotoElement software, you can do that, too!
Another cool "effect" is the ability to make a jigsaw puzzle from your photo. I'm going to try this, Insha Allah. I take photos of my students at Sunday School at the masjid (they are ages 4-7). This age range loves puzzles. Imagine their surprise, Insha Allah, when I bring them puzzles made from their very own photos!
Again, shutter-tip to Sister Marahm for turning me on to this software.
Assalamo alaikom dear sis Safiyyah,
I like your work and passion :). How did the original pictures look like? and btw, why don't you create a gallery on deviantart.com to post you works there too?
I really love this one even more than the last. I wonder if you have a new career in art therapy Safiyyah. With your Chaplain background that wouldn't be far off and would help children immensely.
I just amended my blog to be more favorable. I do love your advice dear sister.
Was just wondering about your Muslim Chaplain position. I don't know what state your in but if it's anything like Texas was there a death penalty and you overseeing people about to receive it? Particularly men who might be with Nation of Islam since we know about their high prison numbers? Just wondered also if the job extended to being able to wash female bodies in death since there's no real funeral director role in Islam?
Salaams Sis Noona:
I changed the post and put the original picture there. I also posted a link to the software and starting instructions. Anyone here can try it. If you do, be sure to let us know so we can see your results :)
Lisa Dear:
I'm glad you amended your thoughts, lol!
Anyhow, I live in Pennsylvania. I am working in the state system. I work at a facility for women. There are also teenage girls there sentenced as adults. I am a contract M chaplain. I resigned from my facility after a 10 year career as a substance abuse counselor. Upon retirement, they "re-hired" me as a contract employee. Yes, there could come a day, if the person was Muslim, when I could be called upon. About the NOI, all chaplains serve all inmates and staff of all faiths and those with no faith. I have primary duties to the Muslims, but I serve everyone.
A few of the Muslim women with life sentences have expressed a desire to be washed, buried, and prayed Janazah over as Muslims. This is a project that I am working on. Many incarcerated Muslims have non-Muslim families. Yet others have been "down" for so long that there's no one left for them on the "outside" ...
I LOVE this job so much, Alhamdulillah! I am so blessed and humbled that Allah (swt) has put me there.
Pray/say dua for those of us "behind the walls" ...
I'm so glad that you have the opportunity to help these women with estranged families. What beautiful work you do Safiyyah. I'm sure that in death for some of them, there is no money since Islamic funerals cost little. Your simple prayers and washing can do so much.
I can't imagine what the prison system is like. Clearly you've seen so much and have many stories.
Something about you has always reminded me of my battered women SafePlace counselor Sue. I now see it in your substance abuse work. I am profoundly moved tonight dear sister. Your open heart to serve everyone regardless of race or creed is amazing! Love you.
Masha Allah, Safiyyah, your first circle is a winner! It's hard to do nice circles with faces; they usually come out distorted and ugly.
Your chaplaincy work sounds fascinating. I was warmed to read of it, and especially of how you are so grateful for having been guided to it. May Allah continue to support your efforts in this most important work!
ohh, I thought you used the software that you did negro y azul with. Well, I accepted the bitter truth that I am bad at arts and gave it up, that's why I admire what you are doing, it certainly needs more than just fancy tools and plugins to play with, you know the artist's touch is needed too
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