While I was growing vegetables and herbs, and tending to my garden, look was what piling up in my flower beds:

After I cleared the above bush away, I then started to pull the brown leaves from the day lilly bushes - until I saw this guy (look in the middle of the picture):

See this hole in the cement?

Heres a close-up of it:

You'll never believe it, but there was a small fragile weed in there. I merely reached in and easily pulled the weed out. When you think about it, this is truly a miracle from Allah (swt). A little tiny fragile weed - but so strong that it can push itself up through cement and actually crack the cement. SubhanAllah!
I also saw a HUGE spider, no lie, about the size of a silver dollar (remember those?) with a little "thing" on it's tail that was the size of a small black bean!
When I pulled the weeds from around the lavender, I discovered bumble bees sleeping under the weeds. So, thats where they go at night! They weren't real happy that I woke them up :)
I never wear gardening gloves, and I usually garden with those rubber clogs on, but after today, trust me, I will be wearing gloves, shoes, and socks!
It's a shame, because I enjoy having my hands in the earth, and having skin contact with what I grow. In case you're wondering about the risk of getting Poison Ivy from gardening this way, don't worry! I bought some special soap in the gardening center. It contains Jewel Weed which is the only thing that cleans off the oils from the Poison. I use it immediately when I come into the house from gardening.
But Alhamdulilah. All the work and gardening "dangers" are truly worth it when you get results like this:

(I just noticed that Blogger uploads the images a little darker than they are. My originals do not look this dark. Oh well.)
Here's an example:
Flower bush (forgot the name) before (yeah, there's one underneath all of that!):

Flower bush (forgot the name) before (yeah, there's one underneath all of that!):
After I cleared the above bush away, I then started to pull the brown leaves from the day lilly bushes - until I saw this guy (look in the middle of the picture):
Mostlypurple: is this a Praying Mantis? Does it bite or sting? Ewwwwwww ...
Oh oh! I think "it" saw me! Time to move on.
Oh oh! I think "it" saw me! Time to move on.

See this hole in the cement?
Heres a close-up of it:
You'll never believe it, but there was a small fragile weed in there. I merely reached in and easily pulled the weed out. When you think about it, this is truly a miracle from Allah (swt). A little tiny fragile weed - but so strong that it can push itself up through cement and actually crack the cement. SubhanAllah!
I also saw a HUGE spider, no lie, about the size of a silver dollar (remember those?) with a little "thing" on it's tail that was the size of a small black bean!
When I pulled the weeds from around the lavender, I discovered bumble bees sleeping under the weeds. So, thats where they go at night! They weren't real happy that I woke them up :)
I never wear gardening gloves, and I usually garden with those rubber clogs on, but after today, trust me, I will be wearing gloves, shoes, and socks!
It's a shame, because I enjoy having my hands in the earth, and having skin contact with what I grow. In case you're wondering about the risk of getting Poison Ivy from gardening this way, don't worry! I bought some special soap in the gardening center. It contains Jewel Weed which is the only thing that cleans off the oils from the Poison. I use it immediately when I come into the house from gardening.
But Alhamdulilah. All the work and gardening "dangers" are truly worth it when you get results like this:
(I just noticed that Blogger uploads the images a little darker than they are. My originals do not look this dark. Oh well.)
pretty flower...wats the name of the flower???
p/s: i dun know anything bout flower's or plant's name....=p
ramadhan kareem sister..
`ur sister in islam,malaysia~
That definitely looks like a praying mantis. I didnt know that bees sleep! Oh I just crawl out of my skin thinking about the spider. Subhanallah, a creation from Allah, the webs are works of art, but I just cant bring myself to like spiders.
Ramadan Mubarak sister :)
Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family, Dear Sister :)
Ya Haqq!
Salaams Dear Brother Irving:
Ramadan Mubarak to you and yours, too!
And Ramadan Mubarak to everyone else. I have been busy at the prison, trying to settle the ladies in for the month, Insha Allah, I'll be back soon. Love you all!
I just stumbled upon your blog(probably from someone elses)
...nyways, i loved this post! i havent done gardening in ages...the guys to cut the grass, and thats about it...but your post really inspired me to open my eyes a little wider when i'm outside.
Salam alaikum,
Thanks for blogging on the garden - we need more gardening posts. They seem to promote good things.
I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found www.shaalom2salaam.com to be very interesting. I will be coming back to www.shaalom2salaam.com for more information.
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