Yes, this blog is moving. In a few days, the transition will be complete for a REAL WEBSITE!
Please change your bookmarks to http://www.shaalom2salaam.com/.
I'm not sure how long http://www.shaalom2salaam.blogspot/ will work, so be sure to update the link.
In the meantime, please be patient with some of the messed up configurations on my sidebar.
As Salaamu Alaikum,
If you are staying with blogger, your .blogspot.com address will remain intact and redirect readers to the new address.
Wa Alaikum As Salaam Ikram:
Insha Allah.
On one of my Blogger pages, it said it would re-direct. But then, on another it said to advise my readers of the new address. So, Allahu Alim. I made this post in order to be safe :)
Nice hearing from you, and Insha Allah you will return here often :)
Salam and congrats. Which web host did you go with? We have been considering this one for our page and dedicating it to Sinan. Something like sinan2005.com
Eid Mubarak.
Salaams Abu Sinan and Manal:
Actually, I did this all through Blogger. They offer two hosts, I think GoDaddy is one, and can't remember the other.
Go here for details:
If you buy through Blogger and WP, they will both adjust/update your DNS settings. If you use a traditional host, I believe you must be a little more computer saavy, i.e., familiar with html, FTP, etc. (scream!!!)
GoDaddy and Google both offer template (like blogs) websites, but I know for sure that the Google one is not user-friend IMO. The Google one doesn't permit you to go back and correct mistakes.
I chose this route because I wanted to turn my existing site into a .com. Plus, I feel comfortable navigating around Blogger.
If you are starting all over, you can use BLogger or Wordpress, but I'm not sure how much "extras" come with it, i.e., webmail addy, etc. But these things can be overcome, and you can install a PayPal button on your new site.
I also paid someone $20 (because I was desperate to have it removed) to remove my navigation bar.
Hope this helps Abu Sinan.
Below is a link to the site I set up for my masjid using Wordpress and then buying a custom domain from them (all these are decently cheap, i.e., under $15 a year). I initially set it all up like a new blog, and then bought the domain. WP did the rest, Alhamdulillah!
All of the above approaches are excellent if one does not need a lot of web space.
Oh, another thing. If you are going to have your site for Sinan on an ongoing basis, you may want to consider 501c3 (non profit IRS status). This would enable your contributors to deduct their donations from their taxes. This of course, costs money, but perhaps some Muslim familiar with these things can assist you for free. This way, you would just pay the filing fees. Can't get away from the filing fees.
If some generous Muslim wanted to contribute a large amount, having the donation tax-exempt is attractive.
Genial brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
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