Masha Allah, I absolutely LOVE my new iPhone! The camera on the 3G iPhone exceeds my expectations.
This is a shot of one of my cats, Hawaa. She's a tortoiseshell, or "tortie," as some people call cats with this kind of coat. Her coat is mixed with warm colors: greys, creams, reds, browns, greys ... and just look at her pale green eyes! She and her brother, Samir, were born in Masjid Ikhwa, Brooklyn, NY.
Insha Allah I am leaving for Istanbul this coming weekend. So I probably won't be posting much except for some photography until I get back.
Insha Allah I'll have great shots of Istanbul and a lot to tell you about our trip. I am told that Istanbul is one of the most visually stimulating cities in the world. Everyone who has ever been there lights up when I tell them we're going!
Asalaamu Alaikum
Awesome picture masha Allah. Looking forward to hearing about Turkey. I would love to go there one day insha Allah and Spain as well.
Nice pic!
Ah Istanbul, always wanted to visit! Please post lots of pictures!
Ma sha Allah that's a really nice picture. Also, it's so well-defined and I suspect mobile phone cameras do up-close pictures better than any other type, because they have a wide aperture (f3.5 or something). I tried taking pictures on my Hero Android phone and I couldn't get it to rotate right, so I'd rotate it on my phone and then upload it, and it would upload in the original aspect. I gave up in the end.
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