Thursday, April 01, 2010

Almost Time!

(It's That Time of the Year Again ... Almost!)

It's almost "that time" for us gardeners!

In my area, it is generally considered safe to plant after Mother's Day (May).

But I couldn't resist picking up these wonderful seeds while I was at the supermarket yesterday.

Am busy reading about "companion planting" (more on that later, Insha Allah) and sketching the layout of my proposed garden.

Toward the end of April, I will start some of the seeds indoors on my sunporch Insha Allah.

In the meantime, I continue to roto-till ......


C said...

Asalaamu Alaikum

I planted corn once and the squirrels at all of them! They also ate the strawberries I planted. I've never tried okra though.

Rukhpar Mor said...

Okra is one of my fav veggies!! =)

Rukhpar Mor said...

Okra is one of my fav veggies!! =)