Above is the garden once it got going: nice path, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, tomatoes, peas, peppers, tomatoes (big boys, cherry, and plum), cucumbers, okra, carrots, and lots of different types of herbs.
Once it was harvest time, I was getting a huge basket of vegetables every day. My whole day consisted of picking, washing, cutting, boiling, and packing into bags for freezing. And then, there was the joy of giving everybody of the block bags of fresh veggies!
Lately, as fall approaches, I've been getting less and less.
Yesterday, the basket looked like this:
Once it was harvest time, I was getting a huge basket of vegetables every day. My whole day consisted of picking, washing, cutting, boiling, and packing into bags for freezing. And then, there was the joy of giving everybody of the block bags of fresh veggies!
Lately, as fall approaches, I've been getting less and less.
Yesterday, the basket looked like this:
One thing I am getting PLENTY of Masha Allaah t'ala is the berries. We've had a real hot and humid summer. The bees have been real busy, and the berries are looking good. They are so sweet and good, Alhamdulillah. We have been eating them with cake, ice cream, smoothies, and just plain by themselves!
We had a lot of days where the heat was well into the high 90s and even 100 one or two days. We had a bit of a drought in July, and the local farmers were very upset. But, I was out there with the garden hose every night. The biggest problem with the drought is that even the insects are looking for moisture and cannot find it. So, they start eating the leaves of everything in an attempt to get moisture. In the following picture, some type of beetle is making holes in my beautiful poppies. Oh well, I chalk it off to sadaqa. Everyone has to eat.
Other flowers have made it, though:
And mums are now in season, so I bought a few pots for my front porch. Once they start looking a little crazy, it will be time to re-pot them on the side of the house. I have three years of mums over there and the bushes are HUGE, Masha Allaah t'ala:

So - that's about it. Pretty soon, it will be time to move all of the porch furniture into the garage, and pull out Buddy's winter house.
Thank you Allaah for the wonderful 2010 gardening season. Please give me the health and strength to plow the garden under in preparation to do it all over again next year/Ameen!
So - that's about it. Pretty soon, it will be time to move all of the porch furniture into the garage, and pull out Buddy's winter house.
Thank you Allaah for the wonderful 2010 gardening season. Please give me the health and strength to plow the garden under in preparation to do it all over again next year/Ameen!
These are just amazing, especially the berries! I can imaging them in whipped cream in some rich dessert... oh yummy! Now my stomach's growling and it's another 6 hours till iftar!
Masha Allah. My raspberry bush never produces anything.
@ C: Do you have old/mature bushes? Do they need to be trimmed? See this article:
Do you have a lot of bees in your area?
My bushes need to be trimmed. Insha Allaah t'ala I will make a before/after post on berry bush trimming :)
@ Mezaba: There should be a rule about posting any food pictures during Ramadan :)
whoops "Mezba" not "Mezaba" ha ha. My netbook keyboard is REAL senstive.
What a beautiful garden you have, mashaAllah! Reminds me of my grandmother's huge garden, in which my sister and used to play hide and seek amongst the berry bushes, when we were kids.
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